イギリス【NHS】 赤ちゃんや幼児が重い病気かどうか? Is your baby or toddler seriously ill

Is your baby or toddler seriously ill?
How to recognise warning signs of serious illness in children under 5, such as cold hands and feet, rapid breathing, or mottled skin. Plus, advice on when to ca...

Trust your instincts:自分の直感を信じよう

It can be difficult to tell when a baby or toddler is seriously ill, but the main thing is to trust your instincts.
You know better than anyone else what your child is usually like, so you’ll know when something is seriously wrong.

Signs of serious illness in a baby or toddler:乳幼児の重大な疾病の兆候

Here’s a checklist of warning signs that might indicate your baby or toddler is seriously ill:


・a high temperature, but cold feet and hands
・a high temperature that does not come down with paracetamol or ibuprofen (do not give paracetamol to a baby under 2 months and do not give ibuprofen to a baby under 3 months or under 5kg, unless prescribed by a doctor)
・a very high or low temperature
・your child feels hot or cold to touch, or is shivering
・your child is quiet and listless, even when their temperature is not high
・a high temperature in a baby less than 8 weeks old

Find out more about what to do if your child has a high temperature

High temperature (fever) in children
Find out how to check if your child has a high temperature (fever), what you can do to bring their temperature down, and when to get medical help.


・rapid breathing or panting
・a throaty noise while breathing
・your child is finding it hard to get their breath and is sucking their stomach in under their ribs

Other signs:その他

・blue, pale, blotchy, or ashen (grey) skin
・your child is hard to wake up, or appears disoriented or confused
・your child is crying constantly and you cannot console or distract them, or the cry does not sound like their normal cry
・green vomit
・your child has a febrile seizure (fit) for the first time
・your child is under 8 weeks old and does not want to feed
・nappies that are drier than usual – this is a sign of dehydration

If your child has any of these signs, get medical help as soon as possible:

・during the day from Monday to Friday – it’s best to call your GP surgery
・evenings and weekends – call NHS 111
・if your baby is under 6 months old it’s hard for a doctor or nurse to assess them over the phone – you can go to an urgent care (walk-in) centre or, if you’re very worried, take them to A&E
・月曜日から金曜日の日中 – かかりつけの開業医に電話するのが一番です。

When to call an ambulance

Call 999 for an ambulance if your child:

・stops breathing
・will not wake up
・has a spotty, purple or red rash anywhere on their body that does not fade when you press a glass against it – this could be a sign of blood poisoning blood poisoning (sepsis)
・is under 8 weeks old and you’re very worried about them
・has a febrile seizure (fit) for the first time, even if they seem to recover
・has a severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)
・if you think someone may have seriously injured your baby

Trust your instincts. You know what’s different or worrying behaviour in your child.

Spot the signs of childhood conditions:小児疾患の兆候を見抜く

Learn the signs of serious illnesses that can affect children, including:


Meningitis - Symptoms
Read about the main symptoms of meningitis, including the meningitis rash, and find out when and where to get medical advice if you have any concerns.


Symptoms of sepsis
NHS information about the symptoms of sepsis in children and adults, and where and when to get help.

type 1 diabetes:1型糖尿病

Type 1 diabetes
NHS guide to type 1 diabetes.

urinary tract infection (UTI):尿路感染症(UTI)

Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
Find out about urinary tract infections (UTIs), including what the symptoms are, when to get medical advice, how they’re treated and what a chronic UTI is.

イギリス【NHS】 健康 Health
