NHS (National Health Service)

NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 授乳 ‐ ポジショニングとアタッチメント Breastfeeding ‐ positioning and attachment

How to breastfeed:授乳の仕方 Breastfeeding is a skill that you and your baby learn together, and it can take time...
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 授乳の仕方 How to breastfeed

Learn how to breastfeed and get support with breastfeeding.授乳の方法を学び、母乳育児のサポートを受けることができます。 Breastfeeding ‐ th...
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 授乳:最初の数日間 Breastfeeding: the first few days

In the first few days, you and your baby will be getting to know each other. It may take time for both of you t...

イギリス【NHS】 鎌状赤血球・サラセミアのスクリーニング検査 Screening for sickle cell and thalassaemia

Sickle cell disease (SCD) and thalassaemia are inherited blood disorders.If you're a carrier of the sickle cell...
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 B型肝炎、HIV、梅毒のスクリーニング検査 Screening for hepatitis B, HIV and syphilis

During your pregnancy, you'll be offered a blood test for 3 infectious diseases: hepatitis B, HIV and syphilis....
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 ダウン症、エドワーズ症候群、パタウ症候群のスクリーニング検査 Screening for Down’s syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome

You will be offered a screening test for Down's syndrome, Edwards' syndrome and Patau's syndrome between 10 and...
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 妊娠中のスクリーニング検査 Screening tests in pregnancy

You'll be offered some screening tests during pregnancy to try to find any health conditions that could affect ...
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 妊娠中の超音波検査 Ultrasound scans in pregnancy

Ultrasound scans use sound waves to build a picture of the baby in the womb. The scans are painless, have no kn...
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 20週目のスクリーニングスキャン 20-week screening scan

This detailed ultrasound scan, sometimes called the mid-pregnancy or anomaly scan, is usually carried out when ...
NHS (National Health Service)

イギリス【NHS】 12週目のスキャン 12-week scan

If you're pregnant in England you'll be offered an ultrasound scan at around 10 to 14 weeks of pregnancy. This ...