NHS (National Health Service)イギリス【NHS】 妊婦健診・検査 Antenatal checks and tests During your pregnancy, you'll be offered a range of tests, including blood tests and ultrasound baby scans.Thes... 2022.10.23NHS (National Health Service)出産・子育てイギリス
NHS (National Health Service)イギリス【NHS】 双子の妊婦健診 Antenatal care with twins When you're expecting twins or triplets, it's important that you attend all your appointments because of the in... 2022.10.22NHS (National Health Service)出産・子育てイギリス
NHS (National Health Service)イギリス【NHS】 妊婦健診の予約 Your antenatal appointments You'll have a number of antenatal appointments during your pregnancy, and you'll see a midwife or sometimes an ... 2022.10.21NHS (National Health Service)出産・子育てイギリス
NHS (National Health Service)イギリス【NHS】 出産前サポート:チーム紹介 Antenatal support: meet the team While you're pregnant, you'll normally see a small number of healthcare professionals.They want to make you fee... 2022.10.20NHS (National Health Service)出産・子育てイギリス
NHS (National Health Service)イギリス【NHS】 妊娠中のケア Your pregnancy care Read about the scans, tests and antenatal care you can have.スキャンや検査、妊婦健診についてお読みください。 Your antenatal care:妊婦健... 2022.10.19NHS (National Health Service)出産・子育てイギリス
NHS (National Health Service)イギリス【NHS】 妊婦健診について Your antenatal care Antenatal:出産前の Antenatal care is the care you get from health professionals during your pregnancy.It's somet... 2022.10.18NHS (National Health Service)出産・子育てイギリス